mloc.js Conference


mloc.js Conference


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How to scale
Javascript development?

Things have changed. Today JS is no longer the add-some-animation-to-my-website language. It's now the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let's face it: JS still has challenges. Just look at large scale applications, like apps with 1 million lines of code (aka 1mloc apps) or with multiplatform development. What if we don't write native JS, but we use it as an assembly language? Can we think of Javascript as a runtime environment?

mloc.js presents talks and workshops for advanced developers on the challenges of building and maintaining large and complex applications in JS with special focus on:

  • generating JS from compiled languages
  • programming paradigms for safer, faster, and more productive development

The event isn't gonna be huge, but it will be hard core. We're talking developers to developers. We have invited everyone who generates javascript as well as anyone who has ideas on how to (ab)use javascript in better ways.

Why not propose a talk, if you have an idea.

We are Prezi,
LogMeIn and UStream

Outstanding internet startup success
stories launched and technology-headquartered
in Budapest, Hungary.

People behind the conference

Prezi LogMeIn Ustream

  • Peter Halacsy

    Peter Halacsy

    Prezi CTO​,chief

    After serving as lead developer of, Hungary’s largest Internet company, Peter was Assistant Professor at the New Media department of Budapest University of Technology. He also co-founded Kitchen Budapest, just as Prezi, the game-changing presentation software company counting already 18 million users, where he is currently working as the CTO.

  • Medea Baccifava

    Medea Baccifava


    Innovative professional working in advisory and international marketing positions in Europe and Asia. At Prezi delivers projects in small and large scale from office optimization to communication and handling international events like MLOC.JS.

  • Jozsef Pengo

    Jozsef Pengo

    Prezi developer,workshop

    After working for many startups, Dzsó joined Prezi in March 2012 as a developer. He has worked on many web-based applications from design to maintenance. He knows the truth (parseInt('08') === parseInt('09')), and the meaning of the life universe and everything ('4' + 2 == '44' - 2)

  • Gergely Hodicska

    Gergely Hodicska

    Engineering Manager

    Gergely Hodicska - Felhő is the odd one among the organisers, as he is the "PHP" guy, but in the past worked a lot with JavaScript, and is very active member of the Hungarian web community. After building several Alexa TOP sites 5 years ago he joined Ustream, the world wide leading live streaming platform, where he works around the clock to hammer nails into traditional media's coffin.

  • Gábor Török

    Gábor Török

    Prezi developer
    Process Pirate ☠

    Passionate about process improvements and communities. Process pirate at Prezi and organizer of the JavaScript, Frontend and QA meetups in Budapest. Talk to him about JavaScript, Lisp and vodka.

  • Attila Szabó

    Attila Szabó

    Prezi developer
    Web Engineer

    Frontend developer, javascript, python and web enthusiast. He is the co-organizer of the Budapest.js meetup.

Speakers at MLOC.js

  • Adam Granicz
  • Alon Zakai
  • Brian McKenna
  • Dan-el Khen
  • Dmitry Buzdin
  • Douglas Crockford
  • Enrique Amodeo
  • Evan Czaplicki
  • Filip Hráček
  • Hamish MacKenzie
  • Juha Paananen
  • Ken Walker
  • Michael Ficarra
  • Nick Fisher
  • Michael Bolin
  • Nicolas Cannasse
  • Ray Brooks

See all speakers

  • Adam Granicz

    Adam Granicz


    Adam is an F# MVP, a happy F# community member and evangelist, the co-author of four F# books, and a regular speaker at developer conferences and workshops. Next to heading IntelliFactory, the F# company specializing in functional web and cloud applications and developer tools, he serves on the steering committee of the Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) workshop where he promotes the use of functional programming in industry. You can follow him on Twitter @granicz, or find him on FPish, the largest online functional programming community.

    WebSharper: From F# power features to JavaScript interop

    WebSharper provides two main ways to interoperate with JavaScript libraries in F# code. One is an embedded DSL to describe client library APIs in F# code, the other is via an F# type provider to map TypeScript interface definitions into WebSharper extensions. In this talk, you will learn how these mechanisms enable robust, enterprise-grade, client-oriented web and mobile application development using nothing but F# code. As one case study, you will get a sneak preview of CloudSharper, an online F# IDE and cloud platform developed entirely in F# and WebSharper.


  • Alon Zakai

    Alon Zakai


    Alon is a researcher at Mozilla, working on techniques for compiling code to the web platform. In 2010 Alon founded the Emscripten open source project which utilizes LLVM to compile C and C++ to JavaScript, with the goal of allowing existing codebases to be automatically ported to standard web technologies.

    Big Web App? Compile It!

    Over the last few years compiling code to JavaScript has become mainstream, with major websites utilizing significant amounts of compiled code. Despite this proven success, the approach is often misunderstood and its potential underestimated. We will discuss why such misconceptions persist while discussing the history of the compilation approach as well as its advantages and disadvantages, during which several demos of compiled code will be shown.


  • Brian McKenna

    Brian McKenna


    Brian is a language geek, functional programmer and an active member of the "altJS" community. For the past year, he's been working on Roy - a statically-typed, functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript.

    His interests include: Open-source Programming languages, functional programming, web applications, virtual machines, algorithms, artificial intelligence, computer games, and search engines.

    Roy: compiling a statically typed, functional language to JavaScript

    Functional programming is very tedious in plain JavaScript. Roy is a language designed to make it practical and safe. It features static, algebraic and structural types, pattern matching, and monadic syntax.
    This talk describes what Roy is and how it compiles into very simple JavaScript.


  • Dan-El Khen

    Dan-el Khen


    Dan-el has over 10 years of experience in .NET and Web technologies. Specialties:

    • Web development
    • Code Architecture
    • Developer Productivity
    • Code analysis and transformation

    He is now the founder and CEO at SharpKit which is a C# to JavaScript cross-compiler language converter for boosting web productivity.

    Boosting JavaScript Productivity with SharpKit

    In this session, we will learn how to write clean and native JavaScript code while harnessing the power of C# 4.0 language syntax. We will also learn how to integrate and use web frameworks like jQuery, streamline and re-use client-server code, and finally, harness .NET features in JavaScript using CLR mode.

    Workshop #4: Developing Web Apps with SharpKit

    In this workshop, we will learn how to get started and use SharpKit - a C# to JavaScript cross-compiler. We will create a sample web app, implement ajax operations, integrate with web frameworks, build user-interface, and add client-side logic, using simple and clean C# 4.0 code.

    Developers with basic C# and JavaScript knowledge - 1 out of 2 is ok, both is best.

    Own laptops with:

    • Windows 7 x64 / x86 with IIS installed, preferably with internet connection
    • Visual Studio 2010 non-express edition (professional / ultimate)
    • SharpKit v5 - can be installed during workshop, but to save time, download link

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please fill in our free registration form.


  • Dmitry Buzdin

    Dmitry Buzdin


    Dmitry is a software architect, consultant, and trainer. For the last five years of his career, he has been generating large and sophisticated JavaScript-based applications from more appropriate languages. Dmitry is Java User Group events organizer in Latvia and frequently speaks at local and international IT conferences.

    Building Hybrid Web Apps

    It is not a secret that JavaScript is the first language of a choice for any modern Web app. But what if we want to scale to a larger team or really complex project? Is JavaScript enough to fulfill the requirements? Is it possible to build a hybrid Web app using proper languages for specific tasks and still run in a plain browser and make use of existing JavaScript libraries?

    This talk will provide answers to this questions and demonstrate the ways of bringing static typing and polyglot programming to the front-end web development while keeping all JavaScript libraries at your disposal.


  • Douglas Crockford

    Douglas Crockford


    Doug was there for the birth of the genre of media that now dominates our time and attention, and has since become a champion and leading voice on JavaScript, the world’s most popular programming language. He discovered the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format while being the CTO of State Software, created the JSLint debugging tool, and is the author of the highly-referenced JavaScript: The Good Parts.


    Much of programming language design is dictated by fashion. As a consequence, opinions about programming languages tend to be strong, shallow, and deeply emotional. The best languages are brilliant and sadly unfashionable. But we love our stylish, over-rated syntax, and this talk presents an amazing parsing technique that helps achieve it.


  • Enrique Amodeo

    Enrique Amodeo


    An independent consultant and coacher with 12 years of experience. His areas of interest are very diverse: JS, REST, noSQL, compilers, OOP, functional programming. As an agile practitioner, he uses TDD/BDD and emergent design in his every day work. In 2005 he fell in love with JS and decided to leave his old lover, the JAVA/JEE stack, and started working seriously with JS. Nowadays he focuses on building full JS apps using HTML5 and NodeJS. He wrote the first spanish book about REST APIs design at and runs a spanish blog about software engineering

    Taming asynchronous programming (beyond promises)

    JS developers must deal with asynchronous programming everyday. This is a complex subject and one of the most common causes of spaghetti code and hard to maintain code bases, specially if they are large. In this talk, I'll highlight the main problems of callback based programming, then we will discover that promises are not our last tool against asynchronous problems.

    • Continuation Passing Style (callback hell)
    • Some functional programming can help us
    • Promises
    • Promises are not silver bullets
    • Event Streams
    • FRP (a.k.a. Reactive Programming)

    Workshop #1: TDD and emergent design with JS

    In this workshop I'll introduce the concept of TDD and refactor and why we need it. Then we will practice using Mocha test framework.

    • The TDD cycle
    • SOLID
    • Test doubles
    • Testable architecture with JS
    • Some Mocha
    • Practice

    JS developers interested in designing maintainable and testable OO code

    The attendees must bring their own laptops with their preferred testing framework installed and ready to use, and a JS runtime like node.js or a modern browser. The most popular are Jasmine and Mocha. I recommend using Mocha and Node.js. For those using Mocha, they need to install an assertion library, like Chai.JS and Expect.JS (both are very cool). A test doubles framework, like SinonJS must be installed too.

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please fill in our free registration form.


  • Evan Czaplicki

    Evan Czaplicki


    Evan recently graduated from Harvard University where he designed and developed Elm as his senior thesis. He now lives in San Francisco and works at Google to make GMail smarter. Outside of Google, Evan continues to very actively work to improve Elm with new features, libraries, examples, documentation, and walkthroughs

    Elm is a functional reactive language that compiles to HTML/CSS/JavaScript. In Elm, Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) takes care of the messy details of event-based programming. It makes asynchronous code straightforward and concise (no callbacks or promises). It makes it extremely easy to create interactive apps with mouse, keyboard, touch, and time inputs. In short, it makes interaction elegant. We will become FRP experts by working towards making a 2D game in Elm. If we have time, we will also discuss Extensible Records. This feature combines the flexibility and extensibility of JavaScript’s objects with the safety of Elm’s static types.


  • Filip Hráček

    Filip Hráček


    Filip Hracek has been working at Google since February 2008. His main focus right now is on supporting the developer communities in Europe and beyond. He is mainly interested in the web: HTML5, Dart, Chrome OS. Before Google, Filip had his own SEO/SEM training business and also managed a big local perfumery chain's e-marketing. He’s developed quite a few websites, too. Filip studied Electronics & ICT at VUT Brno (unfinished) and Journalism & Media Studies at MUNI Brno (MA). He also spent a year on a scholarship in Kansai Gaidai, Japan.

    Dart: A language and a set of tools for complex web apps

    Dart brings structure to web app engineering with a new language, libraries, and tools. This session will walk through the design, main ideas and most useful features of the language, illustrating all of that on a live web app.

    Workshop #3: Your first Dart Web App

    Introduction to Dart

    Developers with any of the following languages recommended: JavaScript, C, C#, Java, ActionScript.

    Own laptops with latest version of Dart Editor (Linux/Win/Mac, new version cca every week)

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please fill in our free registration form.


  • Juha Paananen

    Juha Paananen


    Functional Reactive Programming in Javascript using Bacon.js

    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) brings the benefits of FP to asynchronous UI programming, and turns the usual "callback hell" into a nice, declarative, functional event network. It's like shifting from the usual nested for-loops of Java to the purely functional and beautiful Haskell, but different. Juha will introduce you to the what-why-and-how of FRP and his bacon.js library with practical and fun examples that will be coded live on the stage for maximum excitement. A hands-on session will follow for those who want to get their hands greasy.

    With his 15 years of experience he has figured out something about the dos and don'ts of software development. Right now, functional programming seems to be one of the dos, while Javascript remains one of the musts. In particular, Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) seems to be a perfect fit for tackling the problems related to keeping a complex and highly asynchronous application codebase nice and readable.

    Juha is the author of Bacon.js - the FRP library for Javascript. He uses it at work every day to create modern web apps for his clients.

    Workshop #2: Hands-on FRP session with bacon.js

    Introduction to FRP programming

    JS developers

    People get to code on their own laptops. Read Bacon.js's README or so

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please fill in our free registration form.


  • Ken Walker

    Ken Walker

    IBM Canada

    Ken is a lead on the Eclipse Orion project, a browser-based open tool integration platform that is entirely focused on developing for the web, in the web. He aims to misbehave by replacing desktop IDEs with a refresh. Ken cycles through Ottawa winters with a helmet-cam, is renowned for his bread making and the clean room core class libraries he managed are on every Android device on the planet.

    Orion – your browser as a development platform

    His talk is going to centre around the technologies that make up the Orion open source project and how you can leverage them for your own web based applications. He will also talk about the vision for how Orion can be used for cloud based development and deployment. Since Node.js is an extremely popular deployment platform, he'll talk about how you can install Orion onto a Node instance and start extending it.

    IBM Canada

  • Michael Ficarra

    Michael Ficarra


    Michael is best known for his significant contributions to the CoffeeScript programming language, its original compiler, and his KickStarter-funded rewrite. He can be described as having a passion for defining transformations of all sorts, so he is naturally very comfortable around compilers and functional programming languages. As one of Github's most active users, he is an influential member of the online OSS and ECMAScript communities. He is currently working at Groupon in Chicago, IL, USA on their application security team.

    An Analysis of the Redesign of the CoffeeScript Compiler

    Michael Ficarra was recently crowdfunded to design and build an alternative CoffeeScript compiler. It has many improvements over the original compiler. By using and exposing standard intermediate representations, he was able to allow users of the compiler to take advantage of many tools that operate on those interfaces. This also brought contributions to those projects into his project's scope. As a result, he contributed source map support to escodegen, which many compile-to-JS languages use as a backend; now those languages all have source map support. Michael will give an hour-long experience report on the design and development of his new compiler with a focus on the importance of its use of standardised IRs. The target audience includes persons with an interest in CoffeeScript, compile-to-JS languages, or in making their tools more useful to their users by exposing standard IRs.


  • Nick Fisher

    Nick Fisher


    An Australian now living in Berlin, Nick is a front-end engineer at SoundCloud, working on the new version of their website: a fully client-side single page application written in Javascript. When he's not thinking about new ways to (ab)use the power of modern browsers, Nick enjoys cycling, beer and phooning.

    The new version of SoundCloud's site

    The new version of SoundCloud's site was released late last year. As a single page application built entirely in Javascript, serving millions of daily users, it was a very large undertaking and required a lot of interesting tricks, techniques ... and cheats. In this talk, Nickwill describe some of the architecture that went into building the foundation of the application, methods used to keep the site maintainable and extendible, and some of the tricks invented to keep it running smoothly on the client side.


  • Hamish MacKenzie

    Hamish MacKenzie

    Hamish has a background in corporate software development and became interested in Haskell as a better tool for creating DSLs (Domain Specific Languages). He is one of the core contributors to Leksah (a Haskell IDE written in Haskell). He started helping on GHCJS, a project to compile Haskell to JavaScript, with the goal of one day replacing the existing Gtk interface of Leksah.

    Running Haskell in a browser with GHCJS

    It is now possible to use Haskell and WebKit to make applications that can run standalone or can be compiled to JavaScript with GHCJS to run in a browser. We will have a look at how GHCJS is able to provide Haskell features like Threads and MVars. How to use Haskell to manipulate the DOM and how to integrate with the existing JavaScript libraries. If we have time we will also discuss some of the techniques GHCJS uses to improve performance, such as lazy loading of code.

  • Michael Bolin

    Michael Bolin


    Michael wrote, Closure: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2010). At Google he worked on the frontend of Google Calendar and Google Tasks. He also built, the Closure Compiler Application Service. He created Chickenfoot, a Firefox extension that enables end-users to customize web pages and automate tasks on the Web. Won two best paper awards.

    Specialties: JavaScript (expert in Google Closure Tools), Java

    Keeping Your Code In Check

    JavaScript is a great language, but it was not designed with large codebases in mind. Fortunately, we can borrow ideas from other languages that were designed for "programming in the large" and build tools that port those ideas to JavaScript. This talk will discuss such tools and techniques so that you can get your code under control and build bigger and better web applications.


  • Nicolas Cannasse

    Nicolas Cannasse

    Shiro Games

    Nicolas is the creator of the Haxe programming language which compiles to multiple backends including Javascript. Passionate by technology, languages and virtual machines, he is also a game designer and developer at Shiro Games, a independent game studio that co-founded in Bordeaux, France

    Hobbies: Programming, Gaming, Japanese pop-culture

    Metaprogramming with Haxe/JS

    Haxe is a high level strictly typed mixed OO/functional programming language with type inference. It can compile to many different platforms including Javascript. Nicolas will explain what Haxe is about, including its most advanced features such as its unique macro system and the ability for developers to customize the compiler Javascript output.

    Shiro Games

  • Ray Brooks

    Ray Brooks


    Ray works at Yammer Europe as a senior Javascript engineer. He is passionate about accessibility and open rights. In his spare time, Ray enjoys writing software, hacking hardware, making things from wood, cooking, doom rock & 8 bit dance music.

    This talk will describe the software challenges facing a developer writing Javascript for robotics applications, particularly with respect to a webcam enabled Tamiya 1/12 scale racing car I have modified to enable it to be controlled over HTTP and websockets.



Click on the speakers' name to watch the videos on Ustream.


Day 0 - Thursday
February 14Arrival and welcome

Day 2 Day 1

  • Meetup

    Haskell meetup with talks and drinks at the Prezi's office

    In this meetup we have David Terei (GHC LLVM backend and Safe Haskellen) and Hamish Mackenzie (GHCJS and Leksah)

    Budapest.js meetup at LogMeIn's office

    Julien Richard-Foy (Zenexity): Web programming in Scala using js-scala
    Márton Salomváry (SoundCloud)

    Warm up Party at Kirakat pub from 21:00

    Where: Kirakat pub
    Location: Kazinczy utca 3., Budapest, HU. Map
    When: From 21:00

  • Day 1 - Friday
    February 15 Presentations

    Day 2

    8:00 0:50 Registration / Breakfast
    8:50 0:10 Introduction
    Peter Halacsy
    9:00 1:00 Syntaxation
    Douglas Crockford
    10:00 0:20 Break
    10:20 0:45 Building Hybrid Web Apps
    Dmitry Buzdin
    11:05 0:45 Orion – your browser as a development platform
    Ken Walker
    11:50 0:20 Break
    12:10 0:45 Introduction to FRP
    Juha Paananen
    12:55 1:35 Lunch
    14:30 0:15 Building an Internet controllable racing car with Javascript
    Ray Brooks
    14:45 0:45 Redesign of CoffeeScript
    Michael Ficarra
    15:30 0:45 Boosting JavaScript Productivity with SharpKit
    Dan-el Khen
    16:15 0:20 Break
    16:35 0:45 Metaprogramming with Haxe/JS
    Nicolas Cannasse
    17:20 0:45 Asynchronous programming
    Enrique Amodeo
    18:05 0:15 Introduction of our Sponsors
    Peter Halacsy
    18:20 1:45 Dinner
    20:05 5:00 Party
  • Day 2 - Saturday
    February 16 Presentations

    Day 1

    9:00 1:00 Lightning talks / Arrival coffee
    10:00 0:45 Big Web App? Compile It
    Alon Zakai
    10:45 0:45 The new version of SoundCloud's site
    Nick Fisher
    11:30 0:20 Break
    11:50 0:45 Dart
    Filip Hracek
    12:35 0:45 Keeping Your Code In Check
    Michael Bolin
    13:20 1:45 Lunch
    15:05 0:45 Running Haskell in a browser
    Hamish Mackenzie
    15:50 0:45 Roy
    Brian McKenna
    16:35 0:20 Break
    16:55 0:45 Functional reactive programming with Elm
    Evan Czaplicki
    17:40 0:45 WebSharper: From F# power features to JavaScript interop
    Adam Granicz
    18:25 0:10 Goodbye
    Peter Halacsy
    18:35 2:00 Light dinner/chat


  • Day 1 - Friday
    February 15 Workshops

    Day 2

    10:15 1:40 Your first Dart Web App
    Filip Hracek
    14:45 1:40 Hands-on session on FRP with bacon.js
    Juha Paananen

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please use our free registration form.

  • Day 2 - Saturday
    February 16 Workshops

    Day 1

    15:05 1:30 Developing Web Apps with SharpKit
    Dan-el Khen
    16:55 1:30 TDD and emergent design with JS
    Enrique Amodeo

    If you want to attend on our workshops, please use our free registration form.


MLOC.JS is being held at Design Terminal in dowtown Budapest.


Address: 1051 Erzsébet tér, Budapest, Hungary


Design Terminal

The venue is located literally at the center of Budapest. The city's most connected metro station (Deak Square) is just 50m away. The famous ruin pubs are within walking distance (10m).

Design Terminal


Design Terminal is in a former bus terminal built in Erzsébet square. The building was designed and built in 1949 ( the beginning of the communist era), and is the last bauhaus modern building of Budapest. It became a collection center for contemporary works of design, urbanism, and other civilian projects. From time to time, the building hosts exciting exhibitions and inventive activities. The venue was not constructed with conferences in mind, but is nonetheless a gorgeous space, the huge windows and the very modern environment will help to make the conference a unique event.


Travel and Accommodation

In and out of Budapest, how to get to MLOC.JS

Arriving by plane

We are all in luck! In addition to the flagship carriers, Budapest is serviced by several low-cost airlines that land at its only (for the moment) airport (BUD). The low-cost airlines operate out of terminal 2.

The major low-cost airlines are:

How to get to the city from the airport:

We suggest you to take a taxi, (approximate cost of up to 22 Euro per car) or use public transportation. Please don't forget to purchase tickets from the machines before you board the bus.

Arriving by train

If you are coming from a neighboring country you are probably better off coming by train. This is also true if you decide to travel around the region. In many cases, there are cities that have excellent special deals that will take you to Budapest, perhaps you do not know about them, but they do exist! For example a round trip from Vienna to Budapest can cost less than 45 EUR and is only a three-hour ride.


Our goal is to offer you some interesting lodging options and great deals that are close to our Venue

  • Almost - Couchsurfing

    We decided to offer this unique option to a limited number of guests. So if you really would like to network with local developers this option is for you. For a uniquely hospitable experience, apply today.
  • K9 Residence - located above prezi's head office

    This modern residence is located in the heart of Budapest, and is just a two-minute walk from our venue and Deak Ferenc Ter Underground Station. The air-conditioned apartments offer free Wi-Fi, as well as a kitchen or kitchenette with a dining area, a bathroom, and cable TV.

    If you apply by e-mail and use the promotional code: 'Prezi', you can get a 25% discount from the normal price, working out at just 35 EUR a night.
  • A Former four-star Hotel that's been converted into a wombat's city hostel.

    We think this is one of the most splendid hostels you’ll see anywhere in the world, and one of the most affordable too. The location certainly couldn’t be better: a very short walk from Deák Square, the city’s main transportation hub, all three metro lines stop here. And more importantly, it's just five minutes walk from the conference.

  • Carat Boutique Hotel - in case you want four stars

    If you want something more, take a look at this boutique hotel. Carat offers unique services and amenities in every guest room. It is two minutes walk from our event, and we think it's reasonably priced. We are trying to negotiate discount pricing for conference guests, but even without these, a room is still only around 50 EUR a night.

    For 15% discount use:
    cupon code : CBH-20130214
  • Le Meridien Budapest - a valentine gift?

    If you wish to enjoy one of the best hotels in Budapest, this is for you. Again, it's located right in front of our conference hall.

    For bookings:

Registration is open!

Our tickets are sold out, but we have a waiting list!

If a ticket becomes available, you will be contacted automatically with further instructions on how to purchase your ticket. Please sign up for the waiting list!

The MLOC.JS team

MLOC.JS & jQuery Central Europe becomes the playground of JavaScript programmers for a week! Now you can get entry to both conference on a discounted price! MLOC.JS (Budapest Febr 14-16) and jQuery Europe (Vienna Febr 22-23)



  • Prezi
  • LogMeIn
  • Ustream


  • Google
  • Soundcloud

Media Partners


  • mito
  • Budapest.js
  • Vienna.js
  • Madrid.js
  • Blup